There are so many things I am thankful for right now. I know this post is a bit late (seasonly), but I still wanted to write it anyway. I recently started (haven't yet completed) a gratitude jounal. The wonderful gals over at
DML were doing this and
Mo was giving us the topics to create pages about. I have to say, that this made me think of all the things in my life that I have to be grateful for. While I was working on my journal, I came across this quote that really made me think:
"Just think of how happy you would be if you lost everything you had right now and got it back again" ~unknownBut wow, that really makes you think. I am so grateful for everything in my life - the good and the bad, because without the bad, we wouldn't know the good and wouldn't be able to appreciate it. So, at the close of this Thanksgiving season, I'd just like to leave you with that quote....
And here are a few pictures from our Thanksgiving celebration at my in-laws...