So, Miss Paige decided that she wanted to make her grand appearance into this world in June, rather than July and we welcomed her into the world this past Monday Morning...
Paige was born via c-section at 9:37am on Monday, June 18, 2007...
She weighed 4 lbs. 14 oz and wasw 18.25 inches long...

She came early due to pregnancy-induced hypertension that showed up over the weekend and the doctors felt it wasn't safe for me to continue the pregnancy, I needed to deliver... So, after 2 failed attempts at labor induction, they decided to perform a c-section.
She is premature - born at just over 34 weeks, but she is doing well. She's in the NICU now, and we are hoping she will get to come home to be with us soon!
We love her to pieces, she is an absolute blessing!!