Monday, September 25, 2006

We *heart* America!

Here it is.... our fun 2nd grade hallway project! This is the first time I have done this project with my students and I am so thrilled with how it turned out! For my readers who are not teachers, you may or may not appreciate this as much... but let me tell you... this was a LOT of work!

First, we all talked about reasons we are glad we live in America. This was at the culmination of a unit on immigration and American Symbols. My students brainstormed a bunch of pretty good reasons!

Next, we did a vocabulary lesson on synonyms. We used a thesaurus to think of synonyms for the word "happy". We came up with some GREAT synonyms (ecstatic, joyful, tickled, elated, etc.)

Then, each kid wrote on an index card "I am (synonym for happy) to live in America because..." and they wrote their reason.

Finally, we had each student create a self portrait. We used multi-cultural construction paper, yarn, felt, pipe cleaners, ribbon, etc. Mindy and I helped with the self-portraits, giving ideas and helping them with the technicalties.

Overall, I am so thrilled with how they turned out! I will definitely do this project again next year!

(Mindy and I) :)


Reen said...

What a fun, fun lesson! the self-portraits are adorable!! Love the ones of you and Mindy! LOL!!! So cute!!!!!!

Ramona said...

Oh MY GOSH! The faces of you and Mindy are too CUTE! What a great lesson! you are one ROCKIN' teacher Ms. mangan. :D

Kristi @ Mi Vida Ocupada said...

What a fabulous project!!! Great job!

Susan said...

What a fun lesson Kristi. I remember you posting that you were going to be working on this and it turned out awesome!

Anonymous said...

Krisit, this project looks amazing! The kids look like they took a lot of time on the little details of their face. Great job!