Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I think my husband is feeling a bit neglected right now because when he looked at my blog this week he mentioned "I like how you talk about your friends and family but not about me"...

So... this post is dedicated to my loving, supportive, amazing husband Patrick!

Reasons Why I *love* Patrick right now:

1. Since I've become pregnant, he cleans the kitchen everyday without me asking him to.
2. He goes and gets me a bagel on Saturday mornings!
3. He took my laundry up to our room tonight.
4. He takes care of things that I don't even think of and does it all with a smile.
5. Most importantly, he puts up with my sh*t and still loves me even though I am a hormonal pregnant psycho!

Love you baby! Thanks for putting up with me! I can't wait to meet our miracle that we created! XOXOXO


Ramona said...

Awww, so sweet! :)

Kristi @ Mi Vida Ocupada said...

Pat is a sweetie! You're a lucky woman!

Jennifer Sizemore said...

What a great guy! And pretty cool that he looks at your blog to even notice :)