Paige has a birthmark on her head called a hemangioma. She can't help the fact that she has this, it's just a part of who she is.
So... last week I went to my school to work in my classroom to get it ready for the school year and I brought Paige with me (thankfully she is an easy enough baby to do this with)! When I got there one of the parents of a student in my class last year saw us and came over to say hi. She looked at Paige and said "What's that bump on her head?" So I explained that it is a birthmark called a hemangioma and will eventually go away, etc. etc. etc. Then she looked at me and said "Well, it looks like a knot.... you should call her knothead."
HELLOOOOOOOOOO - You dont' say that to someone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so shocked that she was so rude and insensitive that I couldn't quite respond how I wish I would have....
So I just looked at her and said "Or not" and walked away. But seriously.... what nerve... how does she think thats okay to say to me????? I don't get it!
Oh well.... just wanted to share..... And here's a picture of my sweet baby girl, birthmark and all!

Thank you for letting me vent!
People amaze me with the stuff they let come out of their mouths. I'm sorry you had to put up with a person like that. I think she's precious, birthmark and all.
I'm speechless, what a thing to say to anybody and why say it in the first place - how insensitive! I think Paige is beautiful and a birthmark doesn't detract from that. Isn't it frustrating though when you can't think of a reply at the time and then plenty of things you'd have liked to say afterwards! I love seeing the photos of Paige and look forward to many more.
That is absolutely rotten. I cannot believe she would just say something like that!! How tacky and rude. Paige is absolutely beautiful. I never noticed the bump in her other pictures (well, I see it now that I know its there, but before, I never noticed it!). Well, at least that student was in your class last year and you don't have to deal with that parent this year!
I cannot believe someone would say such a thing??!! Unreal!! Paige is very precious, the nerve of the lady to suggest that nickname...she deserves a bitch-slap!!
Hey Kristi - First of all Paige is beautiful, and we love seeing pictures of her (keep sending them!). She is growing so much! What that parent said was hideous - what if you, as a teacher, had sad something like that about their child? They would proably try to sue or something, meanwhile as a teacher you just have be insulted and not say anything. Just ignore them! Paige is absolutely perfect!
kristi, paige is adorable. don't give that idiot's remark a second thought. she is an absolutely stunning little baby with such a sweet light in her eyes. man, it totally happens to me EVERY TIME something like that happens. i always think "i should have said..." but for the record, i think what you said was right on. short and to the point. and if she doesn't feel like an idiot now, well then she's even dumber than she let on. (hugs) to you and that little beauty! :)
I just have to say that I think you have an absolutely beautiful daughter. The nerve of someone saying that is rude! Some people just don't need to be out in public!!
I can't believe that!! I think she is perfect and beautiful! Don't wory about her-- she is a knothead!
Absolutely amazing. The nerve of some people. She's adorable!
I can totally empathize with you. My daughter was born with a hemangioma on her eye. People would always give me a funny look or ask what was wrong with her eye. How did she hurt her eye?, etc. Sometime sit was if they thought I had done it to her. My daughter who is 7 now shows no sign of it but she is aware because of all the comments people would make. I just remind her that it adds character and makes her special.
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