At 6 months...
- When she eats any foods she likes she makes the cutest "mmmm.... mmmmm.... mmmmm..." sound... So far her favorite foods are peaches, applesauce, and peas.
- Her favorite bedtime story is Pajama Time by Sandra Boynton ... and momma and daddy know it by heart! "It's Pajama Time... ooooooh ya"
- She has a full-blown party in her crib each night when she goes to sleep... she grabs her feet and kicks and rolls and just laughs and squeals with delight. It is hilarious!
-She can roll in both directions and she is quite a squirmy wormy!
-She laughs hysterically when you blow on her belly. She has quite an adorable laugh!
-She does not always enjoy her carseat - and when you go shopping forget about leaving her in the infant seat - she MUST be sitting upright in the stroller or in her Baby Bjorn so she can look around and take in the world.
..... She is the light of our lives.... a blessing from above.... our whole world's happiness. We are more in love with her than ever!
How big is she already?!?! What a little cutie. Such adorable photos! Hope you guys have a very Merry Christmas!
She is just gorgeous and she looks just like you!!!!
Have a great holiday break!!
Congrats Kristi..I love popping in to see her pics. She's just beautiful and sounds like a wonderful baby!!!!!
great idea using the blocks. i wish i had done that. i can't believe how cute she is and what's equally adorable is your adoration. she is just the cutest, luckiest little girl and i can tell how much she is loved be reading your blog. thanks for sharing (and making me want to have another one!)
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