Tuesday, April 03, 2007

23 weeks

I cannot believe that I am already this far along in my pregnancy! It feels like just yesterday it was back in November when I was finding out that we were blessed with this miracle!

I had Patrick take this picture of me last weekend. I don't feel like I am showing all that much, but the maternity top sure does help! I am feeling good - soooooo glad to be over the morning sickness phase (which lasted WAY to long for me) and my appetite is finally picking up... my 2nd trimester cravings have been american cheese, outback salads, and scalloped potatoes! YUM!

I am also thoroughly enjoying feeling Paige kick me all the time! Patrick also enjoys feeling her when she is not too shy (as she usually stops kicking when he puts his hand on my stomach).

I just can't believe in 16.5 weeks (or sooner) we will be meeting our little miracle Paige! I can't wait!!!


Kristi @ Mi Vida Ocupada said...

you look darling!

Anonymous said...

you look fantastic! i've always thought that babies stop kicking when someone else has their hand on your tummy because they can hear the person's heartbeat thru their hand (sound is amplified thru the amniotic fluid), and since it's different from the sounds they hear from you, they're intently listening...so you can just tell Patrick that Paige is busy getting to know him! :-)

Rhona said...

You're looking really well, glad you're feeling a bit better now. I loved the feel of my babies kicking inside me, it's a very comforting feeling because you know they're ok. Enjoy this magical time.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmm, I LOVE Outback salads! You look too cute! Wearing maternity clothes really do make it feel "real", don't they? So glad you are having a good pregnancy. Take care.