Wednesday, April 12, 2006


I had a very horrifying experience this week... I stepped on a scale. After being completely shocked and saddened by the number (which is to remain nameless... haha), I decided I needed to get my butt into gear and do something. One of my friends at school told me about So... I checked it out... It's this great website that's free, that basically tells you how many calories you can eat a day and how many you need to burn per week in order to lose the amount of weight you want to... It gives you meal ideas, exercise ideas and how-tos, and it just seems so practical. I've been doing it for the past few days and I am really liking it so far... I am just hoping that it will stick! Anyway, if this post lit a "spark" in you to try something new or different, you should definitely go check it out! Please put my username Kristi1229, as the person who referred you!

So... come on and join me... let's all do this together!!!!


Anonymous said...

I am totally in!!!! I was dieting before Vegas and fell off the wagon...time to get back on!

Suzelle said...

Good for you Kristi....GOOD LUCK !!!! You can do it :)))))

Anonymous said...

funny thing is yesterday i started with! i just looked at spark and like it a little better so i signed up using your name as a ref.
good luck! keep me updated - we both will need motivation. =)

Ramona said...

Good Luck Kristi!!!!! You know I think you are beautiful! :) I'm rooting for you! Mo